Coal Mine Archive (Sumitomo Akabira Elementary School): exhibition of coal mining equipment and other materials from the Sumitomo Akabira Coal Mine

Sumitomo Akabira Elementary School is located in the town’s Sumitomo District, which once thrived on coal mining. Its vacant classrooms house and display a wide range of coal mining equipment and cultural materials donated by Sumitomo Akabira Coal Mine’s operator when the mine was closed. The many high-quality exhibits include a shaft model showing the inside of a mine, a blasting machine, a gas detector, emergency survival kits and festival artifacts. Contact Akabira City Government in advance for information on private or group visits to the facility.
Akabira 668, Akabira City 079-1143
Social Education Section of Akabira City Board of Education’s Social Education Division
Tel: 0125-34-2311
Fax: 0125-32-0810
Facility tours
The facility can be observed only from outside the premises without permission from the owner and other related parties.
Access by public transport
Akabira Station on the JR Nemuro Line → Chuo Bus Akabira Eki-mae bus stop (Utashinai or Takiashi routes) → Hinode-cho bus stop → 3-minute walk
Access by road
Takikawa IC on the Hokkaido Expressway → (National Route 38) → Road along National Route 38 (approx. 20 min., 11 km)